Stephen Ozoigbo

African Technology Foundation
Stephen Ozoigbo is a serial entrepreneur, investor and advisor to multiple technology startups. He is currently the CEO of the African Technology Foundation, a Silicon Valley corporation that seeks to globalize African technologies by providing access to resources that effectively address and manage the most pressing technological challenges on the continent. In this role he oversees a myriad of stage agnostic technology projects on the continent and actively supports the efforts of Africa’s emerging entrepreneurs. In partnership with a number of Pan-African focused initiatives like the Lions@frica program of the US State Department, the Foundation supports signature platforms and activities that launch innovative technology companies in Africa.
Stephen also serves as an International Advisor for Relativity. Within the Relativity Education unit, he is responsible for bridging knowledge gaps between the African media and entertainment ecosystems and Hollywood, as well as guiding Relativity’s engagement strategies in the region. He also advises on industry relations on the continent as Relativity seeks to build innovative platforms for capacity building activities on the continent.
Prior to these roles, he served as an Investment Consultant to the Government of Catalonia and managed multiple projects related to technology incubation, commercialization and internationalization. As a mobile technology enthusiast, he has advised many private and public agencies on mobile inclusion, mobility and mobile readiness. He has addressed international audiences at the Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC), Mobile World Congress (MWC) and DEMO Africa on various elements of the “mobile economy” and he is an avid supporter of diaspora engagement activities that are geared towards innovation and technology entrepreneurship.